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Greenfields Primary

  • Welcome to the Greenfields Primary School website.
  • We are proud to be part of the Severn Bridges Multi-Academy Trust.

Equality Objectives and Information

At Greenfields, we are committed to promoting equality and eliminating discrimination.  We aim to provide an environment in which everyone involved in the school community is valued and respected.                                                                                                         For further information on how we are complying with the public sector Equality Duty, please click here                                                                                                                                                                  EQUALITY TARGETS 2024/25:
The governing body have set the following objectives which are to be reviewed in the summer term.
  • To maintain and accelerate the attainment of pupils receiving pupil premium funding and ensure that pupil premium expenditure continues to have a positive impact on outcomes for those pupils targeted.
  • To continue to minimise the attainment gaps between boys and girls in the setting throughout the School and Nursery.
  • To continue to support PPG and SEND children and their families to ensure high levels of attendance.

How will we achieve equality?

  • Produce provision maps to cater for individual pupils’ barriers to learning.
  • Learning support for some PPG pupils (identified on school tracking system) with 1:1 focus supporting barriers to learning and feedback support from lessons and books.
  • Mentoring support for identified children 1:1
  • High quality Education Welfare support to continue – linking closely with attendance focus staff in school.
  • Additional support allocated for some PPG children across all year groups.
  • Targeted interventions with priority for PPG children each week.
  • Increased communication with families of SEND/ PPG pupils with poor attendance.
  • Offering cultural capital support for visits and visitors, book projects , borrow bags, extra-curricular clubs. Free school uniform for children newly signed to free school meals.

Accessibility Plan

For further information on our Accessibility Plan, please click the link below:

Accessibility Plan