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Greenfields Primary

  • Welcome to the Greenfields Primary School website.
  • We are proud to be part of the Severn Bridges Multi-Academy Trust.

Treehouse - Breakfast & After School Clubs

Bookings from September 2023 onwards

Bookings for the next academic year, starting September 2023, will open the week commencing Monday 10th July. Please ensure you can access Arbor as all bookings and payments will be done through this system.



Breakfast Club - £4 per session

Children, when booking in for a session through Arbor, can arrive between 7.50am and 8.30am. They will be met and registered in the school reception. Children can take part in adult-led activities in the hall either before or after breakfast. Nursery and Reception children will be escorted to class at the end of the session, older children in the main building will walk to class ready for the start of the school day. A selection of breakfast food choices are provided and are eaten in the Hub.

After School Club - £10 per session

Nursery and Reception children are brought to Treehouse by the class teacher or teaching assistant, older children in the main building come to us at the end of the school day. The children can choose from various activities when they arrive. At 4.15pm the children are split into two groups, one group is offered a snack (which might include wraps, sandwiches etc) whilst the other group (weather permitting) go for an activity outside, then we swap over.

Children can be collected at any time between 3.15pm and 6.00pm. Late collection after 6pm will be charged £10 for the first 15 minutes, increasing by an additional £5 for every 15 minutes. 



Making Bookings via Arbor - To make bookings and payments for morning or afternoon sessions you will need to have signed up to access Arbor (either via your mobile/tablet or via a desktop). The Arbor App can be downloaded for IOS or Android devices or you can access Arbor Parent Portal from your desktop computer. If you have difficulty accessing Arbor please contact the school. Once you have access to Arbor you will be able to make bookings, access past booking details and payment history 24/7. You will also have full control of yours and your children's data including health care plans, emergency contact details, authorised collectors and communication preferences.

Daily Bookings - Your children will be registered when they arrive at the club, if we do not have a booking for that child parents will be contacted. There is a £10 extra charge if no prior booking has been made.



  • You will be able to book as many sessions as you want, subject to availability.
  • For ad-hoc bookings payment should be made at the time of booking
  • For block bookings an invoice will be raised. It will be the parent's responsibility to ensure this is paid in full before the end of the academic year. The school can provide assistance if you need help managing your own payment plan. You will need to make at least one payment each month.
  • Missed payments will result in sessions being cancelled and those sessions being made available to other parents to book.
  • The school will not allow parents who do not clear arrears when requested to continue to book sessions.



  • Arbor accepts childcare vouchers and you will be able to integrate the element of childcare vouchers into your payment plan at the point of booking. The school will then calculate the balance to pay based on how much you are planning to pay with the tax-free voucher. Depending on which voucher system you are using you may need the following OFSTED reference number: 144202. Please ensure that any reference numbers you are provided with are communicated to us to allow us to credit your account quickly and accurately.



  • Any cancellations will need to be emailed to giving no less than 4 weeks notice. A credit note will be issued to parents.
  • Phone calls to cancel sessions cannot be accepted.
  • Any cancellation with less than 4 weeks notice will not be eligible for a refund.