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Greenfields Primary

  • Welcome to the Greenfields Primary School website.
  • We are proud to be part of the Severn Bridges Multi-Academy Trust.

Rewards and Recognition

Rewards and Recognitions in school. January 2024

What we do daily/ongoing:


Class Dojos / Dojo Champ

Stickers to praise good work

Individual rewards in classes

Stickers from Head and deputy. Bringing work to show Head. 

Headteachers certificate. 

Darwin Values stickers for stickability, bouncebackability etc


What we do weekly:

Hot chocolate from the Head - Teachers nominate a child and give a reason.  Head/ Deputy (+head pupils) deliver the hot chocolate to each child in their class every Friday afternoon and read out the reason why this child has earned the hot chocolate. The rest of the class congratulate the child. 

Times Tables Rockstars Award - weekly certificates given.

Dojo Champion

Commendations assembly - Teacher chooses around 4 children in each class. Half the school meets monthly. Children are called out to the front to be commended and given a commendation sticker. Focus on Darwin values

Darwin Points - Awarded to the whole class for teamwork and showing they are ready to learn. Children given Darwin points. The class in each Key stage with the most has five minutes extra break the next week.KS1 get Sid the Snake for the week, KS2 get the Darwin Dragon to keep in class.  Announced in the Monday whole school assembly. 

Markus Present - this is a huge Panda that lives in the class with the best attendance for the previous week. Announced in the Monday assembly

Winning house points total - the points are added up in the school and the house with the most points that week has their ribbon on the house trophy. These are added up towards a termly MUFTI day. 


What we do termly:

Half termly: Reading journey prizes - book related prizes in EYFS and KS1 for hitting their reading targets of 3 reads each week: Reception= Reading Rockets, Year 1 = Busy bees, Y2 = Dinosaurs

MUFTI day for the house with the most house points during the previous term. Usually done on the first Friday back after the new term. 

Postcard of Praise. - Teacher nominates a child. Head writes the children a postcard and it is sent in the post to congratulate the child and parents.

Spelling award - Golden hour. For completing spelling activities. 3 or more each week earns them the Gold award, the whole golden hour to play, 2 a week earns silver award so half an hour, around one activity earns bronze award.