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Greenfields Primary

  • Welcome to the Greenfields Primary School website.
  • We are proud to be part of the Severn Bridges Multi-Academy Trust.

School Uniform

The uniform has been agreed with the Governing Body following parental consultation


Greenfields Primary School has the following aims in relation to school uniform:

  • it is inclusive to all pupils and religions; 
  • it is comfortable and practical for school activities; 
  • it is affordable keeping branded items to a minimum, easily available and there is a recycling scheme in place to re-love and re-home uniform; 


Our uniform policy complies with DFE statutory guidance on the cost of school uniforms and the Human Rights Act 1998 and Equality Act 2010. 

Winter Uniform:

Tops:             Red sweatshirt or cardigan (plain or with logo)

Shirts:           White polo shirt (plain or with logo) or plain white shirt

Trousers:      Grey or black

Skirts/dress:  Grey or black knee length school skirt or pinafore dress

Socks/tights: Grey or black or white socks

Shoes:           Black school shoes (NO trainers)

Boots:            Plain black, non-embellished, non-heeled boots

Summer Uniform:

Shorts:         Grey or black school style shorts (not sports shorts)

Dress:           Red and white gingham summer dress

Socks:           Grey or black or white

Shoes:           Black school shoes (NO trainers or open-toe sandals)


  • All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the child’s full name
  • No jewellery other than a watch and plain ear studs

(Children must be able to remove their own ear studs for PE)

  • Nail varnish is not to be worn in school
  • No extreme haircuts (e.g. mohicans / tram lines / brightly dyed / shaved heads)
  • Long hair should be tied back

Physical Education  (PE)

  • For PE children need a change of clothing
  • For indoor PE - a house t-shirt and black shorts
  • For outdoor PE - pumps or trainers together with t-shirt and black shorts
  • Winter kit - black jogging bottoms/leggings and a black hoodie
  • Children need a pump bag in which to keep their PE kit
  • Please ensure that your child has clothing that they can easily remove for PE
  • Please put their name on their PE clothing and bag
  • Hair should be tied back using a bobble during PE sessions


All children are placed in one of 3 houses

  • Berwick (Green)
  • Hotspur (Red)
  • Hemsworth (Blue)

The children can wear their house t-shirt for PE and can work to gain house points during the week. These are added up and the winning house in announced in assembly. 



School uniform can be purchased from the School Shop

School Uniform Shop

5 Henley Way,



01743 440449